Right from the very beginning, women have been both, the major beneficiaries of interventions as well as the major agents of social change. As the women are the most disadvantageous and marginalized, subject to a lot of exploitation, their socio-economic development is a major thrust area. To strengthen them, SHGs are formed and training is being provided on meetings, recording of minutes, savings, account maintaining, opening bank accounts, etc.
Women empowerment is one of the most important theme on which VEDIC has been working for a long time. All the projects on different thematic issues have a component of gender mainstreaming. Our strategy always focuses on inclusion and capacity building of women and adolescent girls so that they can raise their issues and actively take part in women centric development and decision making process
The older SHGs are trained on the formation of the federation, microfinance initiatives, and cooperative society to initiate them towards income generation activities.